News Archive:

 Tuesday December 19th 2017

Greetings to all,

After 13 weeks of training 647 students in small groups on the Habitudes: images that form the habits and attitudes of leadership by Tim Elmore, 350 who have accomplish all the requirement, received their Certificate of completion last Friday, December 15, 2017 from the Representant of the Rector of the University of Bangui.
The impact of that training is great. A student girl who participated to that training and was a Buddhist ended by accepting Jesus as her personal Savior. Praise God who is bringing many to the eternal life through the ministry of CIDEL.
Please pray that God will continue to provide means for the growing ministry of CIDEL in CAR.

Attached are some pictures of the graduation ceremony.


 Tuesday November 28th 2017


We just finished five days of the leadership seminars with students' leaders of the University of Bangui on the Power of character. Gerhard and Brett Pointmen youth instructors from South Africa have done an outstanding ministry with the youth program that inspire young leaders with ethical values.
The participants of the seminars have requested that Pointman youth groups be created in CAR. Pray that God will inspire CIDEL to organize small groups of Pointman youth leaders at the University of Bangui, in different churches and different neighborhoods throughout the country. Pray also that God will provide financially for the ministry of CIDEL.
Please see attached pictures of the seminars, the audience with the Prime Minister a Pointman's Alumni. 
The instructors are going back to South Africa this afternoon. Pray for their safe journey back home to Cape Town.

 Wednesday November 15th 2017

Dear prayer supporters,

Praise God who has allowed us to organize the first prayer breakfast in the CAR in November 7, 2017. After his participation to the Berlin Internationale Gathering for the first time, H.E Simplice Mathieu SARANDJI, Prime minister has decided to launch the Prayer Breakfast in Bangui.

It's was an outstanding event that has seen the participation of all leaders from all the spheres of the authority. The theme was on peace and reconciliation with the help of Jesus of Nazareth. The president, head of the State, the President of the National Assembly and the Prime minister have moderated each section of the program from 9 am to 6pm.

There are good feedback from many people who have appreciated the contributions of Hon. Rudolf Decker from Germany and Henri Minder from Switzerland. Many people are asking that the prayer breakfast be done each year to connect people with God for wisdom to solve the war situation the country is facing for years now.

Thank you all for your prayers. See pictures below of the event.












 Thursday October 26th 2017


I felt down in our toilet yesterday around 1AM after dizziness. An X-Ray done today revealed that my nose has à minor fracture. Doing Well but hâve some pain.

Appreciate your prayers for me and Marie Helene with all we are facing as the conséquence of thé release of all thé national workers from Encompass.


 Sunday October 15th 2017


I am together with 10 other Africans including those from Nigeria for the train the training course. Everything is going well here in the Christian camp. Internet is limited and the training is very intensive. I appreciate your prayer for me having to translate all the days long. We only pause for lunch, diner.

Thanks to all!






 Tuesday October 10th 2017

Dear Friends of Cidel, 

This past Saturday we had the opportunity to give Dr. Hibaile a tour of the Lancaster BIble College campus (see photo below). He wanted to see the college as his daughter, Andrea (her second visit to LBC's campus) is currently making plans to attend LBC next fall. Please pray for her as she continues her English study at the International Language Institute in Washington, DC. Please pray for Dr. Hibalie as he translates at Pointman leadership traning conference in New England (Oct. 12 - 19). Eight leaders from four countries surrounding the Central African Republic will be trained in leadership at this confernce. Upon their return to Africa, they will be working alongside of Dr. Hibalie in the mission of CIDEL. 



                                                                   (left to right: John F. Smith - editor), Andrea, Paul Mutchler, Augustin, Scott Tanner)

 Thursday September 21st 2017

Dear all,

One of the Pointman Licensee's instructor from Cameroon who has to participate to the Train The Trainers workshop in Monterey, MA in October 2017 was not granted with the US visa after his interview at the Consulate today in Yaounde, Cameroon.
Based on that, I wonder if most of the 12 expected to be part of that TTT could not get the visa what will be the plan B for that training and my travel to the USA (scheduled to September 29) should be!
Please pray that those appointed for the US visa from CAR (4), Cameroon (2), Congo (2) and DRC (2) will be get a favor of being issuing with the visa to be able to make the training happen. Otherwise, this will affect my plan to visit some of you during this trip. The trip will be sponsored by Pointman Leadership Institute and if the training is postponed because of the lack of visa, it's may not be possible for me to travel. I pray that God will allow me to make that trip to see my daughter and arrange some of her school's need.
Thanks for praying for this very important project of training those instructors who will help me in conducting ethical leadership and anti corruption seminars throughout the Francophone Africa countries.
I am hosting the Executive Director of the Encompass World Partners and his team from the USA at the Mission's property here in Bangui. Today, we were welcomed by the Prime Minister in his cabinet and prayed with me.

 Sunday June 4th 2017

Greetings to all,

The 22rd prayer breakfast in Berlin has hosted more than 300 people from 57 countries. The Presidents of Albania and Madagascar and the Prime Minister of my countries were part of the international gathering. We were six members of the Prime Minister delegation.

Before I left Berlin yesterday to be in Babenhausen now to visit a friend of mine who is a Christian lawyer and than to Stuttgart with my long time brother in Christ, I went to pray with the Prime Minister and he did expressed his joy to be part of this important gathering where he has learn ways to get his country closer to God. He is willing to work on starting a prayer breakfast in CAR. He was pleased to meet with some members of the Bundestag and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss about the relationship between his country and Germany. He was thankful that I made this trip possible for the President who has asked him to represent him.

My closing prayer at the end of the prayer breakfast has a great impact on many. It's went to the heart of many. The attached pictures are for those who came to me with especial need. The first picture is of me and a VIP from Sudan. He acknowledge the fact that The Koran has mentioned Jesus more than 19 times and only one time about their prophet Mohammed. That means that Jesus has a great value in Islamic faith. Ashram will be coming to Bangui my country in a near future with a delegation from Sudan.

The second picture is me and a Nigerian who has expressed his hatred against the Islamist Boko Aram who have killed so many educated young people in his country and many from his village. He has a hard to time to support the Muslim.  Yesterday before we left, he came to me and asked me if I can pray with him for peace in Jesus. I gave him some counseling and prayed with him.

Praise God that I have had a great opportunity to minister to the lives of many and different leaders worldwide. Thanks for your support of my ministry.




 Saturday May 27th 2017

Dear prayer supporters

The Pointman Leadership's summit at attended in Inwood, IA ended on Thursday and I am visiting my daughter Andrea in DC now. We were able to put on new modules for our advanced seminars on leadership based on the need expressed by the PLI Alumni in the 70 countries we have been to. It's was an outstanding gathering and hard work accomplished from May 21-25, 2017.

I had the priviledge to received a Certificate of Team Director for Francophone Africa and a Certificate of Excellence in my ministry. Praise God.

I also got an approval for the train the trainers for about 10 Alumni I can choose in CAR, Cameroon, Congo and DRC to be trained sometime in September of October of this year here in the States. Please pray for that project.

I am going to a wedding of my citizen today in our church here in Alexandria. My departure to Berlin to attend the German Parliament prayer breakfast together with the Prime Minister of CAR will be on Monday.

Please pray for my daughter Andrea who want to get the TOEFL test in order to attend Lancaster Bible College this Fall. She normally has three more months in her English learning to be able to write essays, but she has confidence to try the test. I am spending good time with her.






 Sunday May 14th 2017

Dear prayer supporters,

Please pray for the family of Pr Gustave Bobossi Serengbe, former Rector of the University of Bangui who has asked CIDEL to build the chapel at the University campus in 2008. Professor Bobossi passed away on April 29, 2017 in France. His body was brought back to Bangui yesterday and will be burried on Monday.
He was very close to me and has requested my spiritual advice many time. We miss a friend with whom I share the word of God.
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